Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tool #9

1) The technology is a tool or source that we use to help teach the content. The technology needs to have certain objectives/goals so the kids know how they should be using them. 2) Students need to be held accountable and know the expectations for the stations they visit. Stations are a way for students to explore the content on their own in many different ways. 3) MangaHigh is a site we use in Math class.   The students love that they are competing with other schools!  Another site I looked at was phET.  I think this is one that I would be able to use for my Science class!!4) I found an app earlier this year that explains the phases of Mitosis and Meiosis.  The app goes through the phases one at a time and explains what happens in each.  It also has picture gallery of microscopic slides and video. 5) I can see the students using these devices to create tutorials for other students in the class (or for future years).  I would love to have the kids go through and rate all of the apps we use. Have a document that they go and rate them so other students can know which app gives the most help. 

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